“There's just so much pain, you get so tired… I mean people are worried about the looters and it's just people who are frustrated, who for far too long have not had their voices heard."   -Bakari Sellers, attorney, author and political commentator 
Silence equals acceptance. 
Silence equals complacency.
Silence equals death.
 We stand in solidarity with black and brown communities in opposition to systemic, institutionalized racism and police brutality.
We call on the government to overhaul policies and practices ingrained in our education, prison, and criminal justice systems that disproportionately affect and oppress people of color.
We advocate for and support safe spaces for marginalized communities to voice pain and struggle – spaces owned and organized by people who look like them.
And we recognize violence and racism as an urgent mental health issue that deserves acknowledgement and resources.
Look at your privilege, listen to others experience, call your leaders. Show up, speak up, say their names and act on behalf of the decades of oppressed pain and frustration palpable all over this country.
photo credit : The Duke Chronicle